OHS now has a gift shop in the Acadia Ranch Museum. Books by local authors, Oracle Run and Haunted Acadia t-shirts, “Keep Oracle Historical” bumper stickers, note cards and much more are available for sale at reasonable prices.
Tour the Museum and grounds, and visit the gift shop on a Saturday from 11AM – 3PM or call 520-896-9609 for an appointment.
Oracle Historical Society and
Acadia Ranch Museum
Open Saturdays 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Or by Appointment: Call 520-896-9609 and leave a message
Physical Address – 825 E Mt Lemmon Highway, Oracle, AZ
Mailing Address – POB 10, Oracle, AZ 85623
Become a member or make a donation today.
- Buffalo Bill, 2/19/1910
- Steward Residence
- Mt. View Hotel, Buffalo Bill (back row)
- Hay Wagon
- Balance Rock, 3/28/1909
- Panning Gold, circa 1909